Structural basis of exoribonuclease-mediated mRNA transcription termination

structural basis of exoribonuclease-mediated mRNA transcription termination


mRNA transcription is the process by which genes are translated into proteins. The transcription machinery consists of a set of enzymes that recognize and bind to the RNA template, initiate the transcription process, and then terminate the transcription at the 5\’ end to produce the mature mRNA. The termination process is essential for efficient transcription, and it is usually terminated by the action of exoribonucleases.

This paper provides a structural basis for the termination of mRNA transcription by exoribonucleases. The structure of the transcription machinery and the mechanism of transcription termination are discussed, and the role of the exoribonuclease in the termination process is analyzed. The results of structural studies on exoribonucleases and their interaction with RNA templates are also presented.

关键词: exoribonuclease, mRNA transcription, termination, structure


mRNA transcription is the process by which genes are translated into proteins. The transcription machinery consists of a set of enzymes that recognize and bind to the RNA template, initiate the transcription process, and then terminate the transcription at the 5\’ end to produce the mature mRNA. The termination process is essential for efficient transcription, and it is usually terminated by the action of exoribonucleases.

The structure of the transcription machinery and the mechanism of transcription termination are discussed in this paper. The role of the exoribonuclease in the termination process is analyzed, and the results of structural studies on exoribonucleases and their interaction with RNA templates are also presented.

Structural basis of exoribonuclease-mediated mRNA transcription termination

exoribonucleases are a type of ribonuclease that degrade RNA molecules. They are essential for many cellular processes, including the degradation of RNA molecules that are no longer needed, and the removal of regulatory molecules from the RNA template.

The structure of an exoribonuclease is a complex molecule that consists of a catalytic core, which is composed of a catalytic center, a loop that interacts with the RNA template, and a loop that interacts with the base of the RNA molecule. The loop that interacts with the base of the RNA molecule is known as the 2\’-OH group of the RNA molecule.

The mechanism of transcription termination by exoribonucleases is a complex process that involves multiple steps. The first step is the binding of the exoribonuclease to the RNA template. The binding of the exoribonuclease to the RNA template is regulated by the structure of the RNA molecule. The structure of the RNA molecule determines whether the exoribonuclease can bind to the RNA molecule and initiate the termination process.

The second step is the interaction of the exoribonuclease with the base of the RNA molecule. The interaction of the exoribonuclease with the base of the RNA molecule is regulated by the structure of the base of the RNA molecule. The structure of the base of the RNA molecule determines whether the exoribonuclease can recognize and bind to the base of the RNA molecule and initiate the termination process.

The third step is the action of the exoribonuclease to initiate the termination process. The action of the exoribonuclease to initiate the termination process is regulated by the structure of the RNA molecule. The structure of the RNA molecule determines whether the exoribonuclease can initiate the termination process and produce a stop signal at the 5\’ end of the RNA molecule.


In conclusion, the structural basis of exoribonuclease-mediated mRNA transcription termination is a complex process that involves multiple steps. The structure of the transcription machinery and the mechanism of transcription termination are discussed, and the role of the exoribonuclease in the termination process is analyzed. The results of structural studies on exoribonucleases and their interaction with RNA templates are also presented.

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上一篇 2024年11月13日 下午12:48
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