




Today the editor mainly shares the information system project management life cycle. First, clarify what the project is? A project is a (temporary) unique, complex and related sequence of activities that have the same goal or purpose and must be completed within a specific time, within a budget, and in accordance with specifications.

According to the progress of the project, it can be roughly divided into four stages: project initiation, project planning, project execution, and project termination. Next, we will introduce these four stages in detail.









The core is to assess the size, scope and complexity of the project, and establish procedures to support subsequent project activities.

The main tasks are to establish a project initiation team, establish a relationship with customers, formulate a project initiation plan, establish management procedures, establish a project management environment and a project work manual; the main activity of the establishment of a project initiation team is to organize the core members of the project to assist in completing the project Initiating activities, establishing relationships with customers, understanding customers comprehensively, building stronger partnerships, and a higher level of trust. The strategy of appointing specific personnel to each business unit is conducive to ensuring that you can work in harmony before the project is launched. At the same time, define the project goals and scope in the development of the project initiation plan, convert its business requirements into a system service request, and establish management procedures, pay attention to the development team communication and reporting procedures, work tasks and roles, project change procedures, and decide how to raise the project Funds and processing bills, the project work manual mainly includes: project overview, initiation plan and SSR, project scope and risks, management procedures, data description, process description, team letter, work statement, project progress














The core of project planning is clearly defined, discrete activities and the work that needs to be done to complete each activity.

Describe the project scope, candidate plans, feasibility, the project scope mainly defines the problems or opportunities of the project, the quantitative results of the project, the tasks that the project needs to complete, the acceptance criteria, the project schedule, etc.;

Decompose the project into manageable tasks, use the work breakdown structure to divide the project into manageable character units, and analyze the sequence and dependencies between tasks;

Estimate resources and create a resource plan. The purpose is to estimate the resource requirements of each activity and use this information to formulate project resource plans;

Develop a preliminary schedule and use information such as tasks and available resources to assign time estimates for each activity in the work breakdown structure to establish the expected start and end dates of the project.

Develop a communication plan. The goal of this activity is to outline the communication procedures between management, project team members, and customers.

Determine project standards and procedures. Various tools, development methods, document types, reporting forms, terminology, technical specifications, etc. to be used.

Identify and evaluate risks, identify risks and their possible consequences. Including the adoption of new technologies, user resistance to the new system, key resources, management changes resulting from system construction, and lack of experience in the project team.

Create a preliminary budget. Summarize the project-related expenses and income budget.

The development work statement is mainly to explain the work to be performed and the expected deliverables to the customer. The work statement is very helpful to ensure that the client and other project team members have a clear understanding of the planned project size, deadline, and results.

Establish a baseline project plan. The baseline plan provides an assessment of project tasks and resource needs, and provides a basis for project execution.项目执行







The core of project execution is to put into action the plans of the project initiation and project planning stage.

Implement the baseline project plan. Ensure that the project is executed in accordance with the baseline plan, including the allocation of resources, training of project team members, etc., to ensure that the project keeps up with the progress and guarantees the quality of delivery.

Monitor the progress of the project in accordance with the baseline project plan. According to whether the progress of the monitoring project is behind or ahead of schedule, adjust resources, activities and budgets.

Manage changes to the baseline project plan. The project needs to be approved to make changes, and all changes must be reflected in the baseline plan and project work manual. The change request must explain why the change is required and describe all possible impacts on previous or subsequent activities, resources, and the overall project schedule. Revise the plan after the change.

Maintenance project work manual. It is necessary to keep a complete record of all project events, as a learning document for new project team members, and as the main source of information for project reports.

Communicate the status of the project. The project manager needs to ensure that system developers, managers, customers and other project team members understand the status of the project in a timely manner, so as to reach a consensus and coordinate work.







The end of the project, its core is to bring the project to the end.

End the project, complete the appraisal of the performance and salary of the project team members; notify all stakeholders; complete all project documents and financial records, etc.

Project evaluation. After the project ends, the final evaluation of the project needs to be carried out by the manager and the client. The purpose of the review is to determine the project deliverables, the process used to create the deliverables, and the advantages and disadvantages of the project management process.

Termination of the project contract guarantees that the various contract terms of the project have been met, and the project is considered complete only after both parties in the contract agree in writing.



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上一篇 2023年8月31日 上午9:09
下一篇 2023年8月31日 上午9:19


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