




OA系统,中文全称“办公自动化”,英文全称“Office Automation”,简称“OA”。OA办公自动化系统,是将计算机、通信等现代化技术运用到传统办公方式,进而形成的一种新型办公方式。OA办公自动化系统是利用现代化设备和信息化技术,代替办公人员传统的部分手动或重复性业务活动,优质而高效地处理办公事务和业务信息,实现对信息资源的高效利用,进而达到提高生产率、辅助决策的目的,最大限度地提高工作效率和质量、改善工作环境。OA OA









根据每个用户、每个团队和单位的使用特点和角色的不同形成个性化的应用界面,通过对事件和消息的展现与处理把用户有机地联系在一起,提升办公效率。 OA OA


What is an OA system? What are the characteristics of the collaborative portal platform for enterprise information resource management in OA system?

With the advent of OA office system boom, many enterprises began to purchase and implement OA office system to improve the company's management system, and then enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises. So, what is an OA system? What are the characteristics of the collaborative portal platform for enterprise information resource management in OA system? OA OA

What is an OA system?

OA system, Chinese full name "Office automation", English full name "Office Automation", referred to as "OA". OA office automation system is a new type of office mode formed by applying modern technology such as computer and communication to traditional office mode. OA office automation system is the use of modern equipment and information technology to replace some of the traditional manual or repetitive business activities of office workers, high-quality and efficient processing of office affairs and business information, to achieve the efficient use of information resources, and then achieve the purpose of improving productivity, auxiliary decision-making, to maximize work efficiency and quality, improve the working environment. OA OA

What are the characteristics of the collaborative portal platform for enterprise information resource management in OA system?

1. The spatial layout of OA office automation system is diverse

Can set a variety of layouts to meet the needs of different types of customers, to achieve multi-level, multi-dimensional, multi-perspective, all-round, highly aggregated information display.

2.OA office automation system has various forms of columns

Support pictures, lists, statistical charts, etc., improve the presentation, more intuitive performance. OA OA

3. The space content of OA office automation system is rich

Standard column, plate column, integrated column, document column, form column, can be expanded indefinitely, rich display information.

4. The OA office automation system can be customized

Form a personalized application interface according to the usage characteristics and roles of each user, each team and unit, and organically connect users together through the presentation and processing of events and messages to improve office efficiency.

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