2019版安装分包合同条件(中英文对照)(分包合同 英语)



中国对外承包工程商会 制定

Formulated by the China International Contractors Association

中英文11万余字,word 文档。

学术交流请致 m

目录 Table of Contents

前言 Preface


Subcontract Agreement


General Conditions of Contract

1 一般规定 1 General provisions

2 分包合同文件

2 Subcontract documents

3 主合同 3 The main contract

4 承包商 4 Contractors

5 分包商 5 Subcontractors

6 分包商人员

6 Subcontractor’s personnel

7 分包商施工机械设备和配件

7 Subcontractor's construction equipment and accessories

8 开工 Commencement of work

9 分包商的流动资金需求

9 Subcontractors' requirements for working fund

10 材料和设备的检查和检验

10 Inspection and examination of materials and equipment

11 不合格的工程、材料和设备的处理

11 Disposal of non-conforming work, materials and equipment

12 质量 12 Quality

13 现场试验 13 Field tests

14 隐蔽工程和工程的隐蔽部位

14 Concealed work and concealed parts of the work

15 竣工验收 15 As-built Acceptance

16 缺陷责任 16 Defect liability

17 计量和估价

17 Measurement and valuation

18 变更 18 Variations

19 暂定金

19 Provisional amounts

20 因法律改变的调整

20 Adjustment for variation in law

21 因成本改变的调整

21 Adjustment for variation in cost

22 计日工 22 Day labor

23 合同价格 23 Contract prices

24 结算和支付 24 Settlement and payment

25 违约责任 25 Liability for breach of contract

26 暂停施工 26 Suspension of work

27 承包商接管部分安装工程

27 Taking over by contractor part of installation works

28 承包商终止分包合同

28 Termination of subcontract by contractor

29 分包商终止分包合同

29 Termination of subcontract by Subcontractor

30 保险 30 Insurance

31 税务 31 Taxation

32 不可抗力 32 Force majeure

33 分包商索赔 33 Subcontractor’s claims

34 承包商索赔 34 Contractors' claims

35 适用法律 35 Applicable law

36 争议解决 36 Dispute resolution

37 其他规定 37 Miscellaneous


4 承包商 4 The Contractor

4.1 承包商的指示 4.1 The Contractor's instructions


The Subcontractor may only, from the Contractor or its representative, receive any instruction concerning the Subcontract and the Subcontract Work. The Subcontractor shall comply with all instructions and if the instructions are deemed unclear, send written confirmation to the Contractor or its representative on any issue relating to the Subcontract.

4.2 现场进入权 4.2 Right of site access


The Contractor shall,within the time agreed to in the Subcontract, provide the Subcontractor with the right of site entry, site possession or right-of-way, if any, so as to enable the Subcontractor to perform, complete and repair any defects in the Installation Works accordance with the Subcontract progress schedule. In no event shall Subcontractor have the exclusive right of site access and site possession.

4.3 与业主和工程师联系 4.3 Liaison with Employer and Engineer

4.3.1 未经承包商的事先书面同意,分包商不能单独与业主和/或工程师联系或单独参加任何业主和/或工程师组织或参加的与安装工程有关的会议,无论此类会议是否在现场举行。

4.3.1 The Subcontractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the Contractor, communicate with the Employer and/or Engineer alone or attend alone any meeting organized or attended by the Employer and/or Engineer in connection with the Installation Works, whether or not such meeting is held at the Site.

4.3.2 承包商负责与业主、工程师和当地政府的联系。但分包商可以在得到承包商的同意后,以承包商的名义办理与分包合同和安装工程有关的一切手续、许可、批准、同意等事项。

4.3.2 The Contractor is responsible for liaison with the Employer, the Engineer and the local government. However, the Subcontractor may, with the consent of the Contractor and in the name of the Contractor, handle all formalities, permits, approvals, consents, etc. related to the Subcontract and the Subcontract Work.

4.3.3 应分包商的请求,承包商可以协助分包商处理安装工程施工过程中与业主、工程师及当地政府等可能发生的各种问题或纠纷,但承包商的参与不能免除分包商相应的责任和义务。如发生费用,则分包商应与承包商进行协商,分包商应承担承包商协助分包商履行上述义务而发生的费用和支出。

4.3.3 The Contractor may, at the request of the Subcontractor, assist the Subcontractor in dealing with various problems or disputes that may occur with the Employer, the Engineer and the local government during the construction of the Installation Works, however the Contractor's participation shall not relieve the Subcontractor of the corresponding responsibilities and obligations. The Subcontractor shall negotiate with Contractor on the relevant costs and expenses which if incur, and the Subcontractor shall bear the costs and expenses incurred by the Contractor in assisting Subcontractor to perform the above obligations.

4.4 主合同工程的协调 4.4 Coordination of the works in main contract


The Contractor shall, in accordance with the relevant agreements of the main contract, be responsible for the overall coordination and management of the main contract works and shall be responsible for the coordination of the Subcontract Works with the Works carried out by the Contractor and other subcontract works carried out by other Subcontractors.

4. 5 提供图纸等技术文件

4.5.1 承包商应及时向分包商提供图纸等技术文件,以使分包商按照安装工程进度计划实施和完成安装工程。

4.5.1 The Contractor shall, without undue delay, provide technical documents such as drawings to the Subcontractor so as to enable the Subcontractor to implement and complete the subcontract work in accordance with the Schedule of Installation Works Progress.

4.5.2 承包商向分包商提供的图纸应为业主和/或工程师正式批准的图纸。如分包商对收到的图纸是否经正式批准存有疑问,则分包商应在收到图纸的 7 天内向承包商提出,逾期则视为图纸为正式批准的图纸,分包商应按照图纸和先关技术文件实施和完成安装工程。

4.5.2 承包商向分包商提供的图纸应为业主和/或工程师正式批准的图纸。如分包商对收到的图纸是否为正式批准存有疑问,则分包商应在收到图纸的7 天内向承包商提出,逾期则视为图纸为正式批准的图纸,分包商应按照图纸和相关技术文件实施和完成分包工程。

4. 5.2 The drawings provided by the Contractor to the Subcontractor shall be the same duly approved by the Employer and/or the Engineer. Provided that the Subcontractor is in doubt as to whether the drawings received are officially approved, the Subcontractor shall submit the doubt issue to the Contractor within seven (7) days of receipt, over which time the drawings shall be deemed to be officially approved and the Subcontractor shall execute and complete the Installation Works in accordance as per the drawings and related technical documents.

4.5.3 如承包商向分包商提供的图纸为未经业主和/或工程师正式批准的图纸,而承包商书面要求分包商施工时,则承包商应承担分包商按图施工产生的相应责任和费用,包括拆除费用和重建费用。

4. 5.3 Provided that the Contractor provides Subcontractor with the drawings that have not been formally approved by the Employer and/or Engineer, and the Contractor requests in writing the Subcontractor perform the work thereunder, for which the Contractor shall assume the corresponding responsibilities and costs which incurred by the Subcontractor in performing the work in accordance with the drawings, including demolition costs and reconstruction costs.

4. 5.4 如果分包商按照承包商的要求按照未经正式批准的图纸施工,随后业主和/或工程师要求拆除或重建时,分包商有权要求给予相应的工期延长。

4. 5.4 Provided that the Subcontractor performs work at Contractor's request in accordance with the drawings which not formally approved and is subsequently required by the Employer and/or Engineer to demolish or rebuild, the Subcontractor shall be entitled to request the corresponding extension of work time.

4.6 基准测量点 4.6 Benchmark measurement point


The Contractor may, at the request of the Subcontractor, assist the Subcontractor in coordination with the Employer or the Engineer to provide technical information such as reference measurement points and coordinate control points to the Subcontractor and deliver the same on site for inspection, however the work done by the Contractor shall not relieve or exempt the Subcontractor from the relevant responsibilities and obligations.

4 4.7 向分包商传递指示


4.7 向分包商传递指示 4.7 Pass on the instructions to the Subcontractor


The Contractor shall, upon receipt of the instructions from the Employer or the Engineer relating to the Installation Works, promptly transmit to the Subcontractor relevant instructions, notices, documents and information which issued by the Employer or the Engineer relating to the Installation Works.

4. 8 技术交底


4.8 技术交底 4.8 Technical disclosure


The Contractor is responsible for making technical disclosure in respect of the Installation Works to the Subcontractors and shall, in addition to make technical disclosure through meetings, issue, in good time, written documents of technical disclosure to Subcontractors.

4.9 HSE 监督 4.9 Supervision of HSE


The Contractor shall enter into the Liability Statement for Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection with the Subcontractor, make supervision and inspection on the safety production of the Subcontractor, impose penalties for the irregularities or accidents, propose rectification for hidden dangers, and have the right to order the Subcontractor to suspend operations and carry out rectification for serious irregularities and the existence of major accidental hidden dangers.

4. 10 分包商人员出入境手续

4.10 Entry and exit procedures of Subcontractor personnel

4.10.1 根据承包商与分包商事先达成的协议或事后同意,承包商可根据分包商的要求,负责办理分包商人员出入境签证手续或在工程所在国的居住和工作手续,因此发生的费用由分包商承担,但此类手续不作为上述分包商人员与承包商建立用人关系的证明。分包商应根据适用法律的要求与上述人员签订用工合同,履行相应的法律责任,否则分包商应承担由此带来的一切法律责任并赔偿承包商因此造成的损失。

4.10.1 Subject to prior agreement or subsequent consent between the Contractor and the Subcontractor, the Contractor may, at the request of the Subcontractor, be responsible for the processing of entry and exit visas and at the Subcontractor's expense, for the Subcontractor's personnel or its residence and personnel’s work in the country on which the Works located, provided that such processing shall not be evidence of the establishment of the employment relationship between the said Subcontractor's personnel and the Contractor. The Subcontractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law, enter into the employment contracts with the aforementioned persons and fulfill the corresponding legal responsibilities, failing which the Subcontractor shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom and compensate the Contractor for any losses incurred as a result.

4.10.2 如承包商和分包商没有就分包商人员的出入境签证和在工程所在国的居住和工作手续达成一致,或分包商没有向承包商提出此类要求,则分包商应自负费用办理其人员的出入境签证手续和在工程所在国的居住和工作手续。

4.10.2 Failure of agreement by the Contractor and the Subcontractor on the entry and exit visas for the Subcontractor's personnel and the procedures for residence and work in the country on which the Works locate, or where the Subcontractor fails to make such request to the Contractor, the Subcontractor shall, at its own expense, effect the procedures for entry and exit visas for its personnel and the procedures for residence and work in the Country.

4.11 承包商更换分包商不合格人员

4.11 Replacement of the unqualified person by the Contractor


The Contractor shall be entitled to require the Subcontractor to replace unsuitable project management personnel or unqualified site personnel, including those deemed unqualified by the Employer or the Engineer, and the Subcontractor shall be liable for the costs thereof and other damages and expenses therefrom.

4.12 分包商设备、材料和物资进出口

4.12 Import and export of equipment, materials and goods


Provided that the Subcontractor requires the Contractor to handle by or on behalf it or assist in the import and export of the equipment, materials and supplies, the Subcontractor shall submit the written application to the Contractor in advance within a reasonable time, and the Contractor may, to the extent permitted by law, handle on behalf or assist in the import and export of equipment, materials and supplies, and the Subcontractor shall comply with the Contractor's choice of export or import methods, and all costs and expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Subcontractor.

4.13 分包商劳务人员监督 4.13 Supervision of the Subcontractor’s labor personnel


The Contractor shall have the right to effect the supervision and examination on the payment of wages to the Subcontractor's personnel or hired workers and where the Subcontractor's failure to pay the wages of its personnel, staff, labor or hired workers timely, which results in a petition or strike by the Subcontractor's human employees, staff, labor or hired workers, the Subcontractor shall, upon being found such matter, pay the liquidated damages as specified in the special contract conditions and the Subcontractor shall be liable for any loss caused to the Contractor as a result of the petition or strike incident.

4.14 突发事件处理 4.14 Treatment of emergencies

4.14.1 承包商应负责与分包商一起制定突发事件预案,或者承包商向分包商下发突发事件预案,提高快速反应和处置能力。

4.14.1 The Contractor shall jointly with the Subcontractor make formulation of the contingency schedule or submit a contingency schedule to the Subcontractor so to facilitate enhancement of rapid response and disposal capability.

4.14.2 分包商在遭遇突发事件时,应立即向承包商报告突发事件,说明时间、地点、事件性质及人员和财产损失情况等,并应按照突发事件预案进行处置。分包商应在突发事件发生 24 小时内或承包商要求更短的时间内,提交突发事件书面报告。

4.14.2 The Subcontractor shall, once encountering an emergency, report forthwith the same to the Contractor, stating the time, location, nature thereof and the damage to personnel and property, etc., in addition to dispose of the emergency in accordance with the emergency schedule. The Subcontractor shall submit a written report of the emergency within 24 hours upon the occurrence of the emergency or such lesser time as the Contractor may require.

4.14.3 承包商在接到分包商突发事件报告后,应按照突发事件预案进行处置,并应按照主合同的相关约定向业主和/或工程师报告,及时与业主和/或工程师或当地政府和机构等联系处置突发事件。

4.14.3 The Contractor shall, upon receipt of the report of emergency from Subcontractor, dispose of the emergency in accordance with the emergency schedule and report the same to the Employer and/or the Engineer as the relevant stipulation in the Main Contract, in addition to promptly liaise with the Employer and/or the Engineer or local authorities and agencies, etc. to dispose thereof.

5. 分包商 5. Subcontractor

5.1 分包商一般责任和义务

5.1 General responsibilities and obligations of the Subcontractors

5.1.1 分包商应按照分包合同和承包商的指示,以应有的谨慎和速度,实施和完成安装工程,并修复安装工程中的任何缺陷。

5.1.1 The Subcontractor shall, with due care and progress in accordance with the Subcontract and the Contractor's instructions, carry out and complete the Installation Works and repair any defects thereof in the Installation Works.

5.1.2 分包商应对所有现场作业、所有施工方法和全部安装工程的完备性、稳定性和安全性承担责任。

5.1.2 The Subcontractor shall be responsible for the completeness, stability and safety of all site operations, all methods of construction and all Installation Works.

5.1.3 除非分包合同另有约定,分包商应负责提供实施、完成安装工程并修复其中任何缺陷所需的所有人员、监督、管理、劳务、永久性设备、分包商施工机械设备、材料、分包商文件以及其他所有的物品,无论是永久性或是临时性的需要。

5.1.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Subcontract, the Subcontractor shall be responsible for provision of all personnel, supervision, management, labor, permanent equipment, Subcontractor's construction machinery and equipment, materials, Subcontractor's documents and all other items required for the execution, completion and repair of any defects in the Installation Works, whether permanent or temporary.

5.1.4 分包商应承担并履行分包合同约定的安装工程所涉及的承包商按主合同对业主承担的相应义务和责任。

5.1.4 The Subcontractor shall assume and perform the relevant obligations and responsibilities of the Contractor to the Employer under the main contract in respect of the Installation Works as specified in the Subcontract.

5. 2 分包商设计 5.2. Design of the Subcontractor

5.2.1 如果分包合同约定分包商负责安装工程的设计,则分包商应对其设计承担责任。但分包商不应对分包商承担的设计范围以外的其他永久性工程的设计或规范负责。

5.2.1 Provided that the Subcontract stipulates that the Subcontractor is responsible for the design of Installation Works, the Subcontractor shall be responsible for the design. However, no responsibility shall the Subcontractor take for the design or specification of other permanent works outside the scope of the design undertaken by the Subcontractor.

5.2.2 如分包商负责整个工程或分包合同的设计,则应对分包合同要求的设计正确性负责,满足分包合同约定的使用功能要求。

5.2.2 Where the Subcontractor is responsible for the design of the whole work or subcontract, it shall be responsible for the correctness of the design required by the subcontract and for meeting the functional requirements for use as specified in the subcontract.

5.2.3 分包商文件应包括分包合同要求中约定的技术文件,包括但不限于任何计算、软件、纸制设计文件、PDF 或其他格式文件。

5.2.3 The Subcontractor's documentation shall include the technical documentation specified in the Subcontract Requirements, including but not limited to any calculations, software, paper design files, PDF or other formatted files.

5.2.4 分包商应负责其分包商文件获得业主和/或工程师以及承包商的同意和批准。

5.2.4 The Subcontractor shall be responsible for obtaining the consent and approval of the Employer and/or Engineer and the Contractor for its Subcontractor documents.

5.2.5 如果在分包商文件中发现有错误、遗漏、含糊、不一致、不适当或其他缺陷,分包商应在承包商通知的期限内自费对这些缺陷和其带来的工程问题进行改正。

5.2.5 Where errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, improprieties or other defects are found in the Subcontractor's documents, the Subcontractor shall, at its own expense and within the period notified by the Contractor, rectify such defects and any problems with the Works arising therefrom.

5.3 履约担保 5.3 Performance Guarantee

5.3.1 分包商应按照专用分包合同条件约定的履约担保金额(如专用分包合同条件没有约定履约担保金额,则应为中标分包合同价格的10%),根据本通用条件附件7[履约保函格式],在签署《分包合同协议书》时向承包商递交承包商同意的银行出具的无条件的、不可撤销的、见索即付的银行保函。分包商应承担取得履约保函的费用。如分包商在签署《分包合同协议书》时未能递交符合分包合同要求的履约保函,承包商有权拒绝签署《分包合同协议书》,直至分包商递交符合分包合同要求的履约保函。

5.3.1 The Subcontractor shall, in accordance with Annex 7 [Form of Performance Bond] to these General Conditions, submit to the Contractor at the time of signing the Subcontract Agreement an unconditional, irrevocable, pay on demand Bank Guarantee which issued by the bank agreed by the Contractor in the amount of the performance guarantee agreed in the Special Subcontract Conditions (or 10% of the successful subcontract price, if no performance guarantee is specified in the Special Subcontract Conditions). The Subcontractor shall bear the cost of obtaining the Performance Bond. Where the Subcontractor fails to submit the performance guarantee meeting the requirements of the Subcontract at the time of signing the Subcontract Agreement, the Contractor shall be entitled to refuse to sign the Subcontract Agreement until it submits the performance guarantee meeting the requirements of the Subcontract.

5.3.2 分包商应确保履约担保到分包商完成安装工程的施工、竣工及修复完成任何缺陷之前持续有效和可执行。如果履约保函的条款中约定了期满日期,而分包商在该期满日期之前无权取得履约证书,则分包商应自费将履约担保的有效期延长至安装工程竣工和修复完成任何缺陷时止。

5.3.2 The Subcontractor shall ensure the performance guarantee shall continue to be valid and enforceable until the Subcontractor has completed the construction under the Installation Works, and until any defects have been repaired. If the expiry date specified in the terms of the performance guarantee and the Subcontractor is not entitled to a performance certificate before that expiry date, the Subcontractor shall, at its own expense, extend the performance guarantee until the completion of the Installation Works and the rectification of any defects.

5.3.3 如果分包商未能按照第 5.3.2 款的约定延长履约保函的有效期,无论承包商是否向分包商发出要求延长履约担保有效期的书面通知,则承包商有权拒绝向分包商支付任何应付款项,直至分包商递交有效的履约担保为止。此时,分包商无权要求承包商支付逾期付款的利息或其他补救措施,包括但不限于任何工期延长。

5.3.3 Provided that if the Subcontractor fails to extend the period of validity of the Performance guarantee as agreed in article 5.3.2, the Contractor shall be entitled to refuse to make any payment due to the Subcontractor,whether or not the Contractor has given the Subcontractor written notice requesting an extension of the period of validity of the Performance Bond, until the Subcontractor has submitted a valid Performance Bond. Then, the Subcontractor shall not be entitled to interest on late payment or other remedies from the Contractor including, but not limited to, any extension of time for work.

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上一篇 2022年8月3日 上午9:45
下一篇 2022年8月3日 上午9:47


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    后天就要软考了,历经几个月的苦心学习的你,终于到检验学习成果的时候了。 不知道你是否把考试重点都背的滚瓜烂熟了呢? 是否把题库都刷的在合格水平以上了呢? 是否都准备好健康码和考试用…

    科研百科 2022年7月3日
  • 管理系统项目设计方案

    管理系统项目设计方案 管理系统项目设计方案是一份规划书,用于描述管理系统的详细结构和功能。这份规划书将指导团队在开发过程中遵循一定的标准和流程,以确保系统能够满足用户需求并达到预期…

    科研百科 2025年1月8日
  • 图书室安全管理制度(图书室安全管理制度范本)

    图书室安全管理制度 1.管理人员全面负责图书室的安全保护工作。 2.经常检查防盗、防火设施是否完好。对室内进行打扫,保持室内整洁,禁止在室内乱扔杂物。 3.各种图书要分类进行整理、…

    科研百科 2024年6月26日
  • 科研项目管理员

    科研项目管理员: 一个默默无闻却又至关重要的角色 科研项目管理员是一个默默无闻却又至关重要的角色。他们负责管理和维护科研项目的各个方面,从项目计划到数据分析,从实验室设备到数据存储…

    科研百科 2025年2月4日
  • 做BIM的工程人,不能错过的BIM+GIS管理平台(gis+bim管理平台能解决什么问题)

    过去,BIM的应用对象是单一的建筑,且集中在设计和施工阶段。近年来,随着BIM GIS的跨界融合,微观领域的BIM建筑信息与宏观领域的GIS地理信息实现了交互,为城市规划、城市交通…

  • 灯塔-党建在线入驻东营全网覆盖 下活基层党建这盘棋(2021山东灯塔党建在线)

    党建工作变无形为有形 党的十九大提出,要以提升组织力为重点,突出政治功能,加强基层组织建设。为充分运用互联网思维和技术推动我市党建工作,推动全面从严治党向基层延伸、破解基层党建难点…

    科研百科 2023年6月29日
  • 人力资源管理系统—入职管理模块(公司人员入职系统)


    科研百科 2022年7月10日